Falling Asleep in Church Can Change Your Life! Acts 20:1-16 | September 19, 2021
Join us Sunday at 10:00 a.m. in person or online for our worship service. Pre-registration is not required but we do ask that you check in at the registration table so that we have a list of those in attendance. Children crawling age – Grade 3 will go directly to their class when they arrive. Our Senior Summit Kids in Grades 4-6 will worship with us in big church and be dismissed to their class part way through the service.
If this will be your first time at Emmanuel and you have children that will be attending our Children’s Program please visit the ‘Kids’ page under ‘Ministries’ and fill out a registration form in advance. Thank you.
Please click on the EBC Covid Protocols button on the Homepage for updates regarding Covid-19.