It's been so much fun getting back together!!  This month, we've got big plans for helping your teenager grow closer to God than ever before.  I hope they join us to grow deeper!!

Here are a few things coming up in our Infused (Grade 7-8) and Thrive (Grade 9-12) . . .

For this event, we will get lost!!!  CornMaze and hayride!!!  You must sign up in order to attend!!!  Please see the information available on Tuesday night!

For this event we will get lost and of course hang out by a fire!!!  Yes...there will be food!!!  See information available on Monday nights!!



Have you ever been lost? Maybe you wandered away from your parents, took a wrong turn, or lost track of your friends in a crowd? It can be scary to realize you’re not sure where you are or how to get home again, and the same thing is true when it comes to our faith. See, you and I were created to be close to the God who made and loves us. But some of us don’t know our Creator yet. And some of us know Jesus but we wander (or at least we feel) far away from Him. In this 4-week series, we'll explore a series of stories Jesus once told about things that were lost and then got found again. Through those stories, we'll discover that Jesus notices you, values you, welcomes you back when you've strayed, and invites you to the party when others come home.

There are four spiritual habits we all need to grow spiritually: spend time with God, spend time with others in healthy community, share your stories of faith, and use your gifts to serve. So for you and your kid, what is one next step you could individually take in each of these areas? Your next step might be to learn a new strategy for studying Scripture, while your kid's next step might be to just read one verse — just one!

If you're looking for more help when it comes to leading your kids spiritually, check out THIS BOOK by Natalie Frisk. It's called Raising Disciples, and it's a good one!

We're always trying to better understand what it's like to parent a teenager. So here's what we're wondering: What's the HARDEST thing about parenting your teenager right now?  Reply to