

As followers of Jesus, we are people who have been deeply changed by His love for us. One great change is that we want to tell of and show this great love we have experienced with people in our community and the world.

We don’t believe loving our community is only for a few people in the church. Within our church, there is a diverse range of passions, skills, and resources. We want to equip and empower every member to participate in loving our community.

Emmanuel partners with several organizations in our community throughout the year and seeks to spread the love of Jesus and His message to our community in many ways.


Neighbourlink is a network of churches in Chatham-Kent who realize that we dramatically increase our power to do good by working together. Each member church chooses how it participates in the network, but we all seek to express love in a tangible way. We meet the needs of neighbours in our community by linking them to existing services or volunteers who can help

Click here for more information.

Neighbourhood Dinner
& Food Collection

One Sunday afternoon each month, we serve a delicious hot and nutritious dinner at the church from 4-5pm. Anyone is welcome! Volunteers help cook, set up, serve, clean and eat with our guests! If you are interested in knowing more about this ministry, please contact the church office at 519-351-2112.

Radius of One

Radius of One is a personal and corporate focus to be intentional about sharing the message of the gospel and the love of Jesus with our community.


Emmanuel has been blessed to meet on the same campus for more than 50 years. In many ways the community has grown around us. We want to continue to build on the good reputation we have as a church as we seek to not only be a church in the neighbourhood, but more importantly a church for the neighbourhood.

We have literally taken a map of our neighbourhood and drawn a circle with a one kilometer radius around the location where our church meets. We have begun to target key locations in this area in order that we might better serve people and organizations close to the church. It is our desire to see our neighbourhood following Jesus.



Jesus loves people and desires that they come to know him and follow him with their lives. A growing number of people in our neighbourhoods have never even heard of Jesus. An introduction to Jesus often begins when someone meets someone who knows Jesus. Wherever we live our immediate neighbourhoods are mission fields. We desire to be intentional about sharing the gospel message and the love of Jesus in our circles of influence. As a result, everyone who calls Emmanuel home is encouraged to begin this process by praying for their immediate neighbours one house on every side of where they live.


The Bible says that God loves the world and as such Emmanuel, supports many missionaries and support organizations. For security reasons we will not publish them here. If you have any quesitons in this regard, please email the church office.

Next Service: Sunday 10:00 a.m.